Selected works 

Shown below is a list of artist names whose works we deal with .
In this online store,we would like to introduce Japanese contemporary art works to the world and make it possible to collect them. These works are available for purchase. If you are interested in any of them, please contact us by email.

tel/fax : 072-425-4883 

ARTIST and works ( click to see the works)作家名

Setsuko AIMI  相見節子(painting)
Ayaka ASANO 浅野綾花(print)
Kunihiko AKIYAMA 秋山邦彦(soft sculpture)
Shige AMANO  あまのしげ(painting)
Seishi ISHIDA 石田♀(paintig)
Toyoaki IKUSHIMA生島豊昭(sculpture) 
Tomoe IMAI 今井友恵(sculpture)
Katsuhiko IMAIZUMI今泉勝彦(mixed media)
Chikako IMAIZUMI今泉智加子(soft sculpture)
Shigeru UKITA浮田茂(painting)
Kenji ENDO遠藤賢治(sculpture)
Hisashi ONISHI大西久(painting)
Yumiko OKAZAKI岡崎ゆみこ(painting)
Yoshio KAI甲斐良夫(sculpture)
Takeshi KASAGAWA笠川武史(Japanese-style painting)
Azumi KAWANO川野安曇(painting)
Takashi KAWAKAMI川上隆史(sculpture)
Shizuyo SEKI 関しづよ(mixed media)
Ken-ichi SUGANO 菅野健一(textile art)
Kinue Sowa そわ絹江(water painting)
Masao TAGAI 多賀井正夫(pottery)
Yoshie TOKUNAGA 徳永好恵(photograph)
Keiko TSUKADA 塚田圭以子(print)
Yuji NAKAJIMA中嶋雄二(painting)
Toko HAYASHI林塔子(textile art)
Yoshiko HAYASHI林宜子(sculpture)
Kaname HARADA原田要(painting)
Fuu FUJIWARA富士原史香(botanical insutallation)
Masashi Honda本田昌史(textile art)
Atsushi MATSUOKA松岡淳(wood engraving)
Akira MATSUDA 松田彰(painting)
Odoshi MATSUMOTO松本威(painting)
Eiji MICHIKITA道北英治(sculpture)
Shusaku YAMADA山田修作(pottery)
Yoko YUKAMI遊上陽子(painting)
Masaki YUKAWA湯川雅紀(painting)